Didactique Du Francais Et Carriere Diplomatique:Quel Avenir?
The main objective of this work is to try to examine: what future does the teaching of French language have on diplomatic career in Ghana, identifying the teaching and learning of the French language as a tool for Ghana’s diplomacy; the study seeks to answer the question: “Can the teaching and learning of the French language help Ghanaian diplomacy to act as a tool for the socio-economic development in Ghana?”
French is important to Ghanaians considering the fact that Ghana shares her borders with francophone countries. This makes contacts with francophone businessmen or tourists inevitable. It has been noted that, despite the obvious importance of the French language to Ghanaians, the Ghanaian language policy in does not favour its learning at all levels of the education system. Ghanaian professionals are aware of the usefulness of the French language, so the unanswered question still remains: what efforts are we making to embrace the language wholeheartedly in our country?
In an attempt to identify the loopholes in Ghanaian diplomacy and the effects that teaching and learning also have on the development of diplomacy in Ghana, this research work sets out to find solutions to some of the problems identified.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Philosophy in French,
Teaching – Diplomacy - French