An assessment of the book keeping practices of small and medium scale enterprises (smes) in Kumasi metropolis.
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This study sort to examine accounting information system practices of SMEs in the Kumasi metropolis. The study specifically sorts to: assess the accounting records keeping procedures of Small and Medium Enterprises; examine the value relevance of accounting information from the perspective of the SMEs and finally determine the influence of accounting information on SMEs operational performance. The study adopted a quantity study approach and data was collected from 385 respondent and analysed using OLS regression model. The major findings revealed that most SMEs do not apply the double entry principles required in accounting to record their business transactions; the study also showed that accounting information system has a positive and significant impact on firm performance among Small and Medium Enterprises within the Kumasi metropolis. It is recommended that the government organized periodic training to assist SMEs understand the need to maintain proper books of account such as ledger account in order to generate relevant and faithful representation accounting information.
A thesis submitted to the institute of distance learning, Kwame Nkrumah university of science and technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of business administration (accounting)