Knowledge, attitude, perception and practices in respect of rabies disease among the residents in Ga East municipality, Ghana

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September, 2019
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Background: IRabies Iis Ione Iof Ithe Ineglected Itropical Izoonotic Idiseases Icaused Iby Ia Ivirus. IIt IbelongsIto Ithe IRhabdoviridae I(Zachary, I2007). IIt IisIa Idisease Ithat IisIcommonlyIfound Iin Ianimals Ibut Ican Ieasily Ieffect Ihuman I(Quinn Iet Ial., I2002). IWhere Ithere Iare Ianimal Ireservoirs, Irabies Iis Icommonly Ispread. IThe IGeneral Iobjective Iof Ithis Istudy Ito Ievaluate Idifferences Iin Iknowledge, IattitudeIandIperceptionIabout Irabies, IamongItheIresidenceIinIGaIEast I Method: IA Icross-sectional Istudy Iwas Iused Iin Ithis Istudy Iusing Ipurposive Isampling Itechnics. I I IData IwasIbe Icollected Iby Iinterviewing Istudy IparticipantsIwith Iquestionnaire Iand Ianalysed Iusing IOKDICollectionIandIalsoISTATAIversion14.2 Results: IA Itotal Iof I475 Irespondents Iwere Iinvolved Iin Ithe Istudy. IOut Iof I475 Irespondents I354 Irepresenting I74.53%Iwere ImalesIwhile I25.47 Iwere Ifemales. IForIthe IcategoriesIofIdog Iownership IandIpurposeIofIkeepingIdogs, Iout IofItheI475Irespondents, I444IrepresentingI93.47%IownIdogsIand Ionly I6.53% Iin Ithe Istudy Iareas Idid Inot Iown Idogs. IAssessing Ithe Ipurpose Iof Ikeeping Idogs, Ithe Imajority I[348 I(77.25)] Iwere Iof Ithe Iview Ithat Ithey Ikeep Idogs Iof Isecurity Ireasons Iwhile Iothers Iwere Ialso IofIthe Iopinion Ithat, IdogsIkeepsIthemIcompany Iand, Ithey Ikeep IthemIbecause IofIhaving Ifun Iwith Ithem. ILessIthan I50% Iof Ithe IrespondentsI[186 I(39.16%)] Iwere Iof Ithe Iview Ithat Ibuying Imedicine IfromIthe IdrugIstore IisIthe Ifirst IremedyIto Itake IafterIdogIbitsIexposure. IOthersI(29.05%) Ialso Iwere Iof Itheir Iopinion Ithat ItetanusIvaccination Ishould Ibe Idone Ifirst. IMeanwhile, Icalling Ithe IdoctorI(12.84%)IandIthoroughlyIwashingItheIwoundIwithIsoapIunderIrunningIwaterI(8.84%)Iseen IlessIresponses. Conclusion: IFindingsIfromIthisIstudyIhave Irevealed Ithat Idog IownersIdo Inot Iprovide Ihousing Ifor ItheirIdogsIand Ido Inot Ifeed Ithem, IthisIcan Ilead Ito Ia Isituation Iwhich IincreasesIthe InumberIofIstray IdogsIon Ithe Istreet-Iwhich Iare Imore Iat Irisk IofIbeing Ibitten Iby Irabid Idogs, IthusIposing IasIa Isource III IofIinfection Ito Ihumans. INot IseekingImedical Ihelp IforIdogsIand IbeatingIthemIare IunfairItreatment IforItheseIanimals.
A thesis submitted to the School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of a Bachelor Degree and Public Health.
Rabies disease, Ga East