An approach to selectively block mobile Phone communication within a mobile phone restricted area
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The use of mobile phone jammers to discourage mobile phone usage in mobile phone restricted
areas has some limitations. One major limitation is that, once the jammer is activated no mobile
phone can be able to function within the restricted area. For that reason, in the case of emergencies,
no mobile phone can either make or receive phone calls or perform emergency calls (police, fire
and ambulance services). Works done in literature can detect and block phone calls in a certain
way but depends on the mobile switching centre in order to block communication in the restricted
area. Therefore, in this thesis, a selective mobile phone communication blocking system is
proposed which does not depend on the mobile switching centre in order to perform blocking of
communication. The proposed system seeks to allow privilege users access to communication and
block non-privilege users with respect to a specific user location. Some mobile phone user
locations were considered in this thesis (Hospitals, Banks and Schools). A user from a particular
user location cannot enjoy the same privileges at a different location provided that user is
privileged. The selective blocking nature of the system was simulated using Fuzzy Inference
System (FIS) toolbox (mamdani). The inference method is based on a set of IF-THEN rules and
membership functions of the input variable and output variables of the system. Users for the
different locations were converted into input triangular membership functions. The output is the
decision (“allow” and “not allow”) for each of the inputs. S-shape and Z-shape membership
functions were used as the output decision variables. The set of IF-THEN rules were used to link
the input variables to the output variables. The fuzzy inference system was able to perform
selective blocking of communication services for privileged and non-privileged users. The results
in this work shows that when the proposed system is implemented mobile phone communication
service can be prioritised to suit privilege users in specific mobile phone restricted areas.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering in Partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY in telecommunication engineering