An assessment of Actionaid Ghana rights- based approach to poverty reduction. a case of Asutifi District in the Brong Ahafo Region

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June, 2015
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Poverty as a complex phenomenon is on a global ascendancy especially in developing countries such as Ghana and has become one of the main developmental challenges facing the country. Over the years, many strategies have been put in place by different actors to reduce poverty in the country. This includes giving of charity to cushion the poor, need based approach and Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to poverty reduction. However, studies (if they even exist) to measure the impacts of these approaches are apparently scanty. As a result, the focus of this study is an assessment of Action Aid’s Human Rights Based Approach to poverty reduction in the Asutifi District of the Brong Ahafo Region. The study examines into the modus operandi of the HRBA as well as it effectiveness or otherwise as a tool for alleviating poverty. The study adopted the case study research design in undertaking this systematic enquiry. The rationale for this research approach is to allow for an extensive analysis of the HRBA and its impact(s) on poverty reduction using the Asutifi District as a case for the investigation. Both primary and secondary data were sourced for the study. Respondents were mainly drawn from heads of households and institutions including ActionAid Ghana’s (AAG), Domestic Violence Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU), Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), and Center for Maternal Health and Community Empowerment (CMCE). The study highlights on some of the key activities in the HBRA undertaken by AAG over the years towards helping the vulnerable groups such as the poor, women and children who are easily neglected by policy makers so as to give a voice to the voiceless and also, secure land for the landless. Additionally, the study brings to fore the three (3) crucial pillars, namely; promotion of human rights, food rights and improvement in education as the strategies embedded in the HBRA for fighting poverty by AAG. In conclusion, the study recommends among other things, the need for other organizations including both governmental and non-governmental to come on board and collaborate with AAG to pool resources, share ideas/technologies, provide technical assistance and whatever; to streamline the HBRA system and additionally, scale up the coverage of the approach not only in the Asutifi District but also, the rest of Ghana in order to advance the process of poverty reduction across the country.
A thesis submitted to the School Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Science Development Policy and Planning, 2015