Impressions: an Arbitrary Colour Based Exploration of KNUST Landscapes

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This study has been a challenge to express my impressions about some of the landscapes of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). My impressions have been portrayed on canvases as a result of an intimate relationship with the landscape here, which has created a mental image and a lasting effect on my life. Some of the remarkable scenes that my inner sensations mirror are what have been depicted on the canvases. I have used arbitrary colours as the power to branch from mainstream landscapes because I aimed at making personal representations rather than objective naturalistic representations of the places. I may have sounded quite personal but in the end my work still expresses some of the general feelings the landscapes in KNUST evoke. Some of the paintings were made outdoors, others in the studio and they are not biased towards a particular style though impasto technique seems to dominate. The study revealed that though the paintings are expressions of my impressions, they are generally tacit memories of the many and varied experiences that the KNUST environment provides. They evoke people’s thoughts rather than telling them stories. Again the study has revealed the power of colour in visual representation.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate School, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Art (MFA)Painting.