Assessing the effectiveness of the capitation grant to basic schools in Ghana: a case study of Oforikrom Sub-Metro

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Development economists always purport that the well-being of the individual and the economy at large is found in some basic parameters of which education is no exception. Following this position, governments and leaders worldwide have, over the years, been very much articulate, soliciting for ways by which education could be made a basic priority and right to all individuals in the global world. The study therefore assesses the effectiveness of the capitation grant in basic schools in Ghana. The study made use of both quantitative and qualitative analyses using Ordinary Least Square with data gathered through field survey and sample size of 200. The Oforikrom sub-Metro as the point of reference. The results obtained give the indication that the amount made available to each student is woefully inadequate, making it saddled with numerous challenges. As a result, the parents are made to pay huge amount under the pretext of PTA dues, which is in contravention of the core objective of the capitation grant policy. The results further indicated that monitoring and periodic visit to schools to check on the activities of head teachers will undoubtedly help to redeem the image of the capitation grant. The study therefore recommended that the government of Ghana should make it a matter of policy to increase the amount of the capitation grant. The study further suggested that basic learning materials and infrastructural facilities should always be provided by the government to schools to help cut down the burden on parents, and to also promote effective teaching and learning.
A Thesis Submitted to the Department Of Economics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science And Technology, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master Of Philosophy in Economics, 2014