The contribution of Ramseyer to the development of Presbyterian Church of Ghana in Asante

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This thesis examines the contributions made by the Rev. Augustus Fritz Louis Ramseyer to the development of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana in Asante. The work explores the factors that brought Ramseyer into contact with the people of Asante and the how he used that means of contact to the advantage of his missionary work. The study was conducted to find out why among the various Basel Missionaries who came to the then Gold Coast to establish the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Ramseyer seems to have been more immortalized then any of them in terms of naming Presbyterian edifices. The findings of this thesis were made available by means of primary and secondary sources such as interviews and written texts. The researcher also visited some historical places where the missionary lived in his life time. The research revealed that Ramseyer contributed immensely to the development of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana in Asante in the areas of education, artisan training, and introduction of new architectural designs for building and his close links with traditional authorities. This thesis recommends that a Ramseyer memorial lectures be instituted by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana to enable the present generation of the Church members learn more about the missionaries whose toil and sacrifice established the church in Ghana.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Philosophy in Religious Studies