An appraisal of resettlement scheme in West Gonja District: case study of Yapei

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A resettlement scheme is a major project which is often accompanied by a wide spectrum of problems requiring a balanced approach to enable the affected people to adjust to the new milieu. Studios have indicated that resettlement is not only the evacuation of people and the provision of accommor1tion t destination. There are mainly factors at play, particularly socio-cultural factors. Lack of understanding of those factors and lack of community participation in the planning and implementation of such projects often compound the problems of adjustment. There is, therefore, the need to study community participation in the planning and implementation processes of the Yapei Resettlement Scheme in order to formulate guidelines for involving the affected people in decision making process. The policy adopted by the Volta River authority in the implementation of the scheme was basically on housing anr1 agriculture. The policy was to house the resettlers in a two room house with a kitchen and bathroom. The agricultural policy adopted was to wean the resettlers (farmers) from their traditional method of farming by introducing a scientific method, Data and statistics for the study was obtained from interviews with the authorities concerned, individuals of the resettlement and others. With 33 percent sample arrived at, every third house was selected systematically. Some of the problems identified in the Yapei Resettlement Scheme include inadequate housing, for example insufficient rooms, lack of domestic facilities such as storeroom, bathroom and so on, and leaking roof. Unsuccessful of agricultural policy was because of unsustainable farmlands provided by the V.R.A. The farmers complained about infertile land and high labour cost, lack of farming inputs, and lack of rainfall. Some of the farmers have left their houses and return to their previous houses. There was very little involvement of the displaced population planning and implementation of the policies of the resettlement project. Finally, policy guidelines were formulated to future resettlement scheme. Some of the policies are: 1. To avoid any crash programme leading to poor conditions. It is hoped the construction of any resettlement should be scheduled an complete before the settler move into the houses. 2. The settlers allowed, to expand or to build houses by using traditional materials. 3. Appropriate technology should be adopted if the project is to be successful. 4. Assistance in the form of material aid and technical advice should be made available to the settlers for the provision of community facilities and services. 5. To involve the community in every execution of the project. 6. Adequate and fertile land should he provided to support new farming method. Investigation reveals that the people are interested in development of their area and it will ho most appropriate if they can be involved in all future development programme.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Science in Development Planning and Management, 1990